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SeeKenya have impacted the lives of thousands of people.

Here are a few of the stories of how their work has impacted and changed lives. 

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Esther was a top magistrate, fighting for justice, until she had to give this role up due to the deterioration in her sight. 



When we first met Beatrice at one of our eye care clinics, she was clearly in a lot of discomfort. It was quickly discovered that she had a nasty infected ulcer covering about half of her cornea. 


Evans and Violet

We first met Evans and his sister Violet at our eye clinics in 2018. It was quickly identified at their initial consultation that they both had a rare eye condition - a potentially blinding disease.



Neema was just 4 years old when she attended the SeeKenya clinic. Her parents had driven over 500km from the Ethiopian border in a desperate attempt to help their daughter.



Mary visited the clinic as she had very poor vision and dropped out of university as she was no longer able to read her books to help her study. She was given some minus 12 very high strength glasses to help her to read again.




Paul came to our clinics unaware that he had an eye disease that was damaging his sight. Thankfully, we caught it at an early stage before he started losing his vision. 



Grace travelled around 80km to attend our SeeKenya clinic. When our optometrists examined her, they discovered she had a nasty and potentially blinding eye infection called trachoma.



Linet has had a hard start to life particularly with the death of her Mum.  When she started having difficulties in class, it was her schoolteacher who noticed and who brought her to one of SeeKenya's clinics for help.  



Tony first came to our clinic in Oct 2018. Tony was the victim of a robbery during which the robbers threw acid in his face and left him for dead. He survived but the doctors could not save his sight. Thankfully SeeKenya’s optometrists could.



Anna is a single mother who supports her family by hairdressing. Her eyesight had been deteriorating and she was finding it increasingly difficult to do her work and provide for her family.





We first met Titas in September 2017. Titas worked at the local supermarket, and whilst it earned him a steady income, his job as one of the bag packers was made all the more difficult with the increasing loss of his sight.



We first met Joy when she was just three years old at our October 2019 clinics. Joy is one of the 10,000 blind children living in Kenya and sadly her story makes up just one of so many similar cases.



When we first met 6 year old Marion, who had been brought up by her single mum and grandma after her dad left her and her sister, she could barely open her eyes and was in a lot of discomfort.



Deborah came to the clinic when she was 12 years old, suffering from the eye disease trachoma. She was given drops and antibiotics to treat the trachoma. 




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